What Does A Tree Surgeon Do?
What does a tree surgeon do? You might have called one out to your property if you’ve found yourself with branches that need pruning or even need to have an entire tree taken down because it’s too close to your house or driveway, but you might not know exactly what they do or what qualifies them to do their job. The good news is that there are some very specific and important things they need to know in order to keep both you and your property safe. Here’s what makes a tree surgeon so special, and why they’re the most qualified professionals to take care of your trees!
Tree Surgeons are Trained Professionals
Tree Surgeons have received special training on how to remove trees and prune trees. They are educated on tree anatomy, soil composition, water supply, etc. It is important to work with an experienced Tree Surgeon to avoid harming your trees or people living around them when performing removals or pruning. A Tree Surgeon will be able to determine what needs to be done for your trees by looking at their age, health, condition of leaves/branches/trunk, location in relation to other trees/buildings/power lines, and so forth. A tree that appears healthy may still need attention if it has been weakened by disease or insects.
Tree Surgeons Work Quickly, but Carefully
When it comes to tree removals and tree pruning, there’s no time to lose. The quicker you respond to a damaged or diseased tree, however, the better chance you have of saving it. If your trees are growing too close together or look unhealthy in any way, schedule an appointment with a qualified arborist right away; even if you can’t afford tree surgery just yet, he can provide some excellent advice for improving their condition over time.
In addition to tree removals and tree pruning, most tree surgeons also offer stump grinding services. Tree stumps left on your property pose a significant risk of becoming rotten—especially when they sit near underground water lines—so don’t put off removing them any longer than necessary. Remember: It is far easier (and cheaper) to remove trees before they become hazardous! So get started today!
Tree Surgeons don’t mind getting dirty
If you’re thinking about hiring a tree surgeon, you’re probably concerned with ensuring that your trees are in good hands. Your tree surgeon will have no problem getting dirty (in fact, he or she will revel in it). There is nothing more exciting to a professional tree care specialist than being up high on a big job. Tree surgeons don’t mind getting filthy or even risking their lives for that matter; they embrace these challenges and view them as part of their job.
Tree Surgeons can climb like Spider-Man
Have you ever seen Spider-Man climb up walls with his bare hands and feet? Well, tree surgeons are able to do something similar. Although they aren’t gifted with superpowers, tree surgeons are trained in climbing trees – often without ladders or harnesses. As their name suggests, tree surgeons can climb tall trees and remove branches. Some people call them tree removers, but they don’t just remove trees; they also prune them!
Pruning is an important aspect of tree care because it helps trees grow better and look more attractive. If you need help removing trees or pruning your trees, give us a call at Woodpecker Tree Surgeons today!
Tree Surgeons handle both big and small trees
A tree surgeon may perform surgery on trees as small as shrubs, up to massive redwoods. Some services provided by tree surgeons are tree removals and tree pruning, which may seem different but are really related—one can’t exist without involving the other. Removing trees is always safer when done after they’ve been trimmed. After all, you don’t want trees hitting houses or power lines!
Tree trimming helps keep branches away from your home and protects them from disease. It also keeps them strong so that they don’t fall over in storms or ice storms. Tree trimming also allows for more sunlight to reach your lawn and plants, giving them better growth rates. This service is often used in conjunction with tree removal if there are diseased trees nearby that need removing before they infect healthy ones nearby.
Tree Surgeons have Expert Knowledge
Professional arborists are employed by Tree Surgeons to ensure that they have all of their bases covered. These professionals know exactly what they’re doing when it comes to trimming and caring for trees, as well as how and why different treatments affect trees in specific ways. For example, they can tell you which pests are affecting your trees and how best to eliminate them. They also know which fertilisers work best on certain types of plants and how much water each plant needs throughout its lifetime. The more you learn about your local Tree Surgeon, the better equipped you will be to keep your garden healthy year-round!
Tree Surgeons value safety highly
Tree surgeons work in exposed areas, so it’s crucial to wear appropriate clothing for climbing. Ropes and harnesses are also used to ensure that you don’t fall from heights, and hard hats must be worn at all times. You must always be aware of branches that may fall from above as well as those below your feet—taking care not to crush saplings or other undergrowth. The majority of injuries sustained by tree surgeons occur when people aren’t wearing safety equipment correctly. A survey conducted by Arboriculture revealed that around 70% of respondents had experienced an injury during their career, with 22% claiming they had been injured on more than one occasion.
It goes without saying that having to undergo emergency medical treatment is likely to have a negative impact on your business, but if someone was seriously hurt while working on your property, you could find yourself facing legal action. This can be particularly problematic if homeowners choose not to hire a professional arborist but decide instead to attempt DIY tree surgery; despite being tempted by some of these cheaper services, there are few who would argue against employing qualified professionals in order to avoid any risk. This is why Woodpecker Tree Surgeons are fully qualified and insured for public liability.
“I love my job because I get to be outside all day – I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else! Every day is different and I enjoy every minute of it. There is always something new happening – which keeps me interested. I have been working as a tree surgeon for over 30 years now and I still enjoy it even now.” Dave Morris owner of Woodpecker Tree Surgeons
If you would like more information about our tree services please contact us directly. We would be happy to assist with any queries you may have.